Why Secret Laser is so popular in Incheon Dermatology Acne Treatment

There are people who get stressed because of the pimples that recur. Acne should be treated systematically as soon as possible because red marks and dented scars can occur if it is not properly cleaned in the beginning. Acne is prone to recurrence and can worsen the condition if it is managed in an unverified way, so it is recommended to take into account personal skin conditions, causes and symptoms in a place that is good at treating acne in Incheon.

acne treatment

There are various methods for acne treatment, such as extrusion, injection, scaling, and laser. You can consider the appropriate method for your symptoms. If acne treatment is not supported by accurate diagnosis and is uniformly performed, the symptoms may worsen or the treatment effect may be halved.The Incheon Geomdan branch of the remembered dermatology department, which is good at treating acne in Incheon, is treating acne with various state-of-the-art equipment such as V-beam perfectors, neobeam, secret, gold PTT, and acne toning.

What is Secret Laser?

Secret laser removes sebaceous glands and improves acne that is prone to recurrence. Micro-unit fine metal needles directly destroy sebaceous glands that cause excessive sebum secretion by transmitting high-frequency energy deep into the skin. In addition, it promotes the production of collagen in the skin, improves skin elasticity, and helps reduce pores. Compared to other laser procedures, it has the advantage of being able to return to daily life immediately without a recovery period due to less pain and shorter treatment time.

Precautions for Acne Treatment

It looks similar when treating acne, but it is important to distinguish it from diseases other than acne. In particular, the frequency of patients with injection dermatitis and fungal folliculitis accompanied by pustules of the mouth is increasing recently, so it should be treated accurately. Even if acne is caused by the same cause, treatment approaches vary depending on individual acne severity, lesion distribution, and skin barrier function damage, so it is rare to have only one factor.

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